Course Calendar

Friday, August 18, 2017

Syllabus and Release Form

Here are copies of the syllabus and the information / release form.  You will receive copies of both in class.  Please remember that your signed release form will be due in class no later than Monday, Aug. 28.

American Film Syllabus
American Film Information and Release

American Film Interest Survey

Please take the survey below.  This will help determine the number of films from each category we watch this semester, and the order in which we watch the films on the syllabus.

American Film Interest Survey

Contact Information and Office Hours

Here are my contact information and office hours for the 2017-2018 school year.

Jason Flowers

Room 274
Conference periods - A4
Email -
Classroom phone - 512.841.3070 [not currently working]

Office hours - Tues. - Fri. mornings (7.45-8.20); Mon. and Thurs. afternoons (3.40-4.15); other times by appointment

Welcome to American Film!

Welcome to the web site for our American Film class.  Much like the web site for APUSH, I have embedded the course calendar at the top of this site.  There won't be much on the calendar - just a due date or two each six weeks.  I will also attach the course syllabus and the parent / student release form to a subsequent post.

I'm really looking forward to the class, and I hope you are too!  I'll post more information over the next few days.